
Membership subscriptions

Single membership £5.00 per annum

Joint membership £7.00 per annum

Junior membership £3.00 per annum

Life single membership £30

Life joint membership £40

Benefits of membership include reduced show entry fees & eligibility to compete in our monthly Match Nights.

Membership subscriptions become due on January 1st and extend until December 31st

Subscriptions may be paid via BACS (our preferred method of payment). Use your surname and ‘Membership’ as reference.

Sort code: 30-92-86

A/c number:02524433 

If you would prefer to pay by cheque or cash, you can pay at Ringcraft on a Monday, or contact:

Hon. Sec. Christine Rayment

Phone: 07503211171



Complete the on-line membership below or to download an application Form


Eastbourne & District Canine Society

Secretary: Mrs Christine Rayment


Telephone: 07503 211171