Best in Match: Fiona’s Dalmatian Sally Ann
Reserve Best in Match: Claire’s Saluki Phoenix
Best Puppy: Liz’s English Pointer Bertha
Best Adult Handler: Malcolm handling Suri
Best Junior Handler and Best Handler Overall: Rebecca handling Cleo
Best of the Rest: Ruth’s Cocker Spaniel Cleo, handled by Rebecca
Winner of the Puppy Walk: Goran’s Cocker Spaniel Elsa
Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to our judge Elly Bass
Best in Match: Fiona’s Dalmatian Sally Ann
Reserve Best in Match: Claire’s Saluki Phoenix
Best Puppy: Liz’s English Pointer Bertha
Best Adult Handler: Malcolm handling Suri
Best Junior Handler and Best Handler Overall: Rebecca handling Cleo
Best of the Rest: Ruth’s Cocker Spaniel Cleo, handled by Rebecca
Winner of the Puppy Walk: Goran’s Cocker Spaniel Elsa
Congratulations to all the winners and many thanks to our judge Elly Bass