On 20th July our Companion Dog Show took place at Horam and although it was very windy, it stayed dry and fairly sunny. Our thanks to our two judges, Anne Webb judging the Pedigree classes and Fiona Carrick judging the Novelties.
Colin and Hazel did a fantastic job organising the show, which ran very smoothly from start to finish.
Main winner results,
Pedigree Classes:
Best in Show and Best Veteran, Claire Jowett’s Saluk, Barley
Reserve Best in Show, Annemo Lundin’s Miniature Poodle, Ronja
Best Puppy, Val Turner’s Collie, Folly
Novelty Classes:
Best Novelty in Show, Georgina Brazier’s Cocker Spaniel, Louis
Reserve Best Novelty in Show, Kayla Wigginton with Max
Best Veteran, Ruth and Magic
Best Rescue, Karen and Maggie
Best Junior Handler and Best Handler Overall, Jack Wood
Best Adult Handler, Trish Turner