Welcome to the Eastbourne and District Canine Society !
Dog of the year is on Monday 16th December 7pm for 7.30pm judging. Only dogs who have qualified may enter but we look forward to welcoming spectators. Free entry but please bring money for our great raffle. If you could let me know if you are intending to come we would be grateful as we are providing food. 07503211171 or message Christine.
We will be breaking for Christmas after the 16th Dec which is Dog of the year. We return on Monday 27th January for our match night.
Membership will be due in January and can be paid online with your full name as reference or you can cash to a club event!
We are a friendly club who will let you get the best from you and your dog.
Whether it is teaching your dog good behaviour through the Kennel Club ‘Good Citizenship’ scheme, learning how to show your dog, entering our fun Match Nights, or just getting together to chat ‘doggy’ talk, we are here to help you.